Osnivač i izdavač / Founder and publisher:
Univerzitet za poslovne studije Banja Luka / University of Business Studies Banja Luka
Jovana Dučića 23a, 78000 Banja Luka
Tel. +387 51 248 300
Za osnivača i izdavača / Founder and publisher representative:
Prof. dr Radovan Klincov
Glavni i odgovorni urednik / Editor in chief:
Prof. dr Radovan Klincov
Zamjenik glavnog i odgovornog urednika / Deputy editor in chief:
Prof. dr Valentina Duvnjak
Sekretar / Secretary:
Vanja Klincov Prole, MA
Lektor / Proofreading :
Slobodanka Vidović, Milena Mičić, MA,
Grafički dizajn / Graphic design:
Mr Miodrag Manojlović
Štampa / Print:
Markos design & print studio
Tiraž / Circulation:
Časopis „Poslovne studije“ izlazi jednom godišnje i registrovan je u bibliografskoj bazi podataka Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC).
Journal Business Studies is published annually and it is registered in the bibliographic database Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). |
Svi su radovi recenzirani u dvostrukom anonimnom recenzentskom postupku koji obuhvata eksternu i internu recenziju. Recenzenti su dužni da ukažu na moguću povredu etičkih normi u radu.
All papers are reviewed in a double anonymous review process that includes an external and internal review. Reviewrs are obliged to point to any violation of ethical norms in papers. |
Indexed in:
Časopis „Poslovne studije“ se nalazi u PRVOJ KATEGORIJI – od 30 do 40 bodova
Časopis u punom tekstu dostupan je na www.poslovnestudije.com/arhiva/casopis2018.pdf
Full-text available free of charge at www.poslovnestudije.com/arhiva/casopis2018.pdf |
Ministarstvo prosvjete i kulture Republike Srpske, rješenjem broj 07.030-611-01-6/09 od 13.08.2009. godine, izvršilo je upis časopisa ,,Poslovne studije u Registar javnih glasila pod rednim brojem 578.
The journal “Business Studies“ is entered into The Public Media Register as 578 by The Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Srpska, decision, no. 07.030-611-01-6/09 of 13/8/2009. |
Recenzentski odbor / Reviewer Board:
Prof. emeritus Bogdan Ilić, redovan profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu / Prof. emeritus Bogdan Ilić, PhD, full professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Belgrade,
Prof. dr Radovan Kovačević, redovan profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu / Prof. Radovan Kovačević, PhD, full professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade,
Prof. dr Mile Matijević, redovan profesor Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka/ Prof. Mile Matijević, PhD, full professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Recezenti / Reviewers:
Prof. dr Miroslav Bobrek, redovni profesor Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci / Prof. Miroslav Bobrek, PhD, full professor at the University of Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Pajo Panić, redovni profesor Fakulteta poslovne ekonomije Bijeljina Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu / Prof. Pajo Panić, PhD, full professor at the Faculty of Business Economics of Bijeljina, University of East Sarajevo,
Prof. dr Slavko Vukša, redovni profesor Alfa BK univerziteta u Beogradu / Prof. Slavko Vukša, PhD, full professor at Alfa BK University in Belgrade,
Prof. dr Milorad Balaban, redovni profesor Univerziteta Apeiron Banja Luka / Prof. Milorad Balaban, PhD, full professor at the University of Apeiron Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Branislav Jakić, redovni profesor Univerziteta Privredna akademija Novi Sad / Prof. Branislav Jakić, PhD, full professor at the University of Novi Sad University,
Prof. dr Živorad Petrović, redovni profesor Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka / Prof. Živorad Petrović, PhD, full professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Dragoslav Slović, redovni profesor Univerziteta u Beogradu u penziji / Prof. Dragoslav Slović, PhD, full professor at the University of Belgrade in retirement,
Prof.dr BožoVukoja, redovan profesor Sveučilišta u Vitezu / Prof. BožoVukoja, PhD, full professor at the University of Vitez,
Prof.dr Drago Tešanović, redovni profesor Internacionalnog univerziteta u Travniku / Prof. Drago Tešanović, PhD, full professor at the International University in Travnik,
Prof. dr Tešo Ristić, redovni profesor Prirodno matematičkog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu / Prof. Tešo Ristić, PhD, full professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad,
Prof. dr Radovan Klincov, redovni profesor Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka/ Prof. Radovan Klincov, PhD, full professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Milica Kostić Stanković, redovni profesor Fakulteta organizacionih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu / Prof. Milica Kostic Stanković, PhD, full professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Belgrade,
Prof. dr Ivan Milojević, redovni profesor Univerziteta Privredna akademija Novi Sad / Prof. Ivan Milojević PhD, full professor at the University of Novi Sad University
Prof. dr Rosa Andžić, redovni profesor Alfa BK univerziteta u Beogradu / Prof. Rosa Andžić PhD, full professor at the Alfa BK University in Belgrade,
Prof. dr Milan Đuričin, redovni profesor Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla u Beogradu Prof. Milan Đuričin, PhD, full professor at the University of Nikola Tesla University in Belgrade,
Prof. dr Dragomir Đorđević, redovni profesor Univerziteta Privredna akademija Novi Sad / Prof. Dragomir Đorđević PhD, full professor at the University of Novi Sad University,
Prof. dr Ilija Šušić, redovni profesor Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka / Prof. Ilija Šušić, PhD, full professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Slobodan Babić, redovni profesor Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci u penziji / Prof. Slobodan Babić PhD, full professor at the Law Faculty of the Banja Luka University retired,
Prof. dr Valentina Duvnjak, vanredni profesor Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka / Prof. Valentina Duvnjak PhD, associate professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Mladen Rebić, vanredni profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu / Prof. Dr. Mladen Rebić, associate professor at the Faculty of Economics at the University of East Sarajevo,
Prof. dr Nevenka Ničin, vanredni profesor Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla u Beogradu / Prof. Nevenka Ničin PhD, associate professor at Union Nikola Tesla University in Belgrade,
Prof. dr Kristijan Ristić, vanredni profesor Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla u Beogradu / Prof. Kristijan Ristić PhD, associate professor at Union Nikola Tesla University in Belgrade,
Prof. dr Biljana Baraković, vanredni profesor Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka / Prof. Biljana Baraković, PhD, Associate Professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Dijana Grahovac, vanredni profesor Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka / Prof. Dijana Grahovac PhD, associate professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Mladenka Balaban, vanredni profesor Beogradske bankarske akademije u Beogradu / Prof. Mladenka Balaban PhD, associate professor at the Belgrade Banking Academy in Belgrade,
Prof. dr Simonida Vilić, vanredni profesor Visoke Škole Prometej u Banjoj Luci / Prof. Simonida Vilić PhD, associate professor at the High School Prometheus in Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Biljana Kozić Rađenović, vanredni profesor Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka / Prof. Biljana Kozić Rađenović, PhD, associate professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Zoran Babić, vanredni profesor Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka / Prof. dr Zoran Babić, PhD, associate professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Prof. dr Balša Kašćelan, vanredni profesor Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla u Beogradu / Prof. Balsa Kašćelan, PhD, associate professor at Union Nikola Tesla University in Belgrade,
Prof. dr Brana Komljenović, vanredni profesor Univerziteta za poslovni inžinjering i menadžment Banja Luka / Prof. Brana Komljenović, PhD, Associate Professor at the University of Business Engineering and Management Banja Luka,
Doc. dr Srđan Amidžić, docent Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci /Srđan Amidžić, PhD, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Banja Luka,
Doc. dr Radmila Čičković, docent Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka/Radmila Čičković, PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka
Doc dr Miodrag Jandrić, docent Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka/Miodrag Jandrić, PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Doc. dr Milovan Bojić, docent Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka/Milovan Bojić, PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Doc dr Srpko Kosorić, docent Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka /Srpko Kosorić, PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka,
Doc. Slađana Lolić, docent Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka /Slađana Lolić, PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka.